ARCS Routine
The ARCS routine is used to form cutoff corners. The routine has two forms, in each case the user enters the
number of segments required and the tangent lines. The user may enter the chord length for each segment
OR the radius of the circle.
The tangent lines are specified by entering point numbers to define the lines into the reference columns.
For the points to be defined, enter the starting point number in the UNKNOWN POINT column. Enter the number
of segments required into the AUX POINT column.
Where the chord length for each segment is entered put it in the COURSE A DISTANCE column.
Where the circle radius is entered put it in the COURSE B DISTANCE column.
In each case leave the other distance column blank.
The routine will form N equal segments on a circle fitted to the two tangent lines.
The tangent lines must be enterd in the correct order as the first point formed will be on the first tangent line,
and the others are formed by rotating that point clockwise for N segments.
XY Data Point Record Col
Record Type 02 1
Routine ARCS 2
Unknown Point ____ 3
Course A - Known Point ____ 4
Bearing _______ 5
Code (P) _ 6
Distance __________ 7
Indicator _ 8
Point 1 ____ 9
Point 2 ____ 10
Course B - Known Point ____ 11
Bearing _______ 12
Code (P) _ 13
Distance __________ 14
Indicator _ 15
Point 1 ____ 16
Point 2 ____ 17
Auxiliary Point ____ 18